Jeanette Casas
O: 323.595.1847 office

Jeanette Casas

Real Estate today is more than just putting up a Real Estate sign in front of your home or other real estate asset. As never before, when it comes to a unique market, with external outside factors that influence the sale or purchase of a Home, requires knowledge on the market, statistical information on past sales, unique details, your property location, condition, etc.  In having all this information, I can aggressively prepare a marketing campaign to get your home sold. More importantly, negotiation skills, considering all these factors. 

El sector de bienes raices hoy en día es algo más que poner un anuncio de venta enfrente de su casa como nunca antes, cuando se trata de un mercado único, con factores externos que influyen en la venta o compra de una vivienda, se requiere conocimiento del mercado, información estadística sobre ventas pasadas, detalles únicos, la ubicación de su propiedad, la condicion, edad, etc.  Al tener toda esta información, puedo preparar agresivamente una campaña de marketing para vender su casa. Y lo que es más importante, la capacidad de negociación, teniendo en cuenta todos estos factores.

• Statistical data on neighborhoods and the local markets 
• Aggressive strategies to marketing and negotiating the sale of your home 
• Additional insights into listings that are not accessible online 
• I will be with you every step of the way 
• A trusted and knowledgeable partner through closing and beyond

• Datos estadísticos de los barrios y de los mercados locales
• Estrategias agresivas para comercializar y negociar la venta de su casa
• Información adicional sobre los listados a los que no se puede acceder en línea
• Estaré contigo en cada paso del camino
• Un socio de confianza y conocedor durante el cierre y más allá

Local Expertise
You need someone who knows this area inside and out! I can work with you to find the right home at the right price for you, including all the neighborhood amenities that matter.

Selling Your Home
When it's time to move, you need someone who markets your home, knows how to find the right buyer, negotiate on your behalf, oversee the inspections, handle all necessary paperwork and supervise the closing. I take care of everything you need, from start to close.

Timing Is Everything
Whether you are looking for a new home or thinking about selling your current home, call me today. I will put my expertise to work to provide you guidance and advice on what you need to know to make the best possible decision for your real estate needs.

Casas and Associates

We are dedicated to providing exceptional service. Our associates offer a wealth of knowledge on local communities, current market conditions, and the process of selling or buying a home.

We look forward to providing you with a real estate experience that exceeds your expectations.

12114 Painter Ave
Whittier, CA